Please complete this part of the questionnaire before the training starts
For CLASS AB Operator
{{ ucwords(auth()->user()->name.' '.auth()->user()->last_name) }}
Please Tick the appropriate box
* All fields are mandatory
@if($pre != '')
{{ Form::model($pre, ['url'=>'user/pre-evaluation', 'id'=>'validateForm']) }}
{{ Form::hidden('pre_id', $pre->id) }}
{{ Form::open(['url'=>'user/pre-evaluation', 'id'=>'validateForm']) }}
{{ Form::hidden('operator', $operator) }}
Class AB Operator
1) How much do you know State Fire Marshal(SFM) and one of its Bureau (Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations) - BUSTR ?
2) Please rate your knowledge on how well you can operate your UST system to keep in compliance?
3) How well are you aware of your responsibilities for operating and maintaining UST system?
4) How well you can Identify and understand each component in your UST system?
5) Rate your knowledge in dealing withrelease detection equipment and analysis of test results?
6) How would you rate your knowledge in preventing releases, spills and overfills at your UST system?
7) How do you rate your skills in maintaining and submitting UST records to SFM?
8) How well you respond to the emergency situation upon releases in your UST system?
9) How well you can demonstrate with financial mechanisms for your UST system?
10) How much do you know about annual UST registration and type of applications to be submitted to SFM according to UST activity type?
11) How well you know about permits and which UST activities require permit by SFM?
12) How much you know about the UST temporary and permanent closures?
{{ Form::close() }}