Underground Storage Tank (UST) Operator Training Post Evaluation Sheet
Please complete this part of the questionnaire after the training starts
For CLASS @if($operator==1) A @endif @if($operator==2) B @endif Operator
{{ ucwords(auth()->user()->name.' '.auth()->user()->last_name) }}
Please Tick the appropriate box
* All fields are mandatory
@if($post != '')
{{ Form::model($post, ['url'=>'user/post-evaluation', 'id'=>'validateForm']) }}
{{ Form::hidden('post_id', $post->id) }}
{{ Form::open(['url'=>'user/post-evaluation', 'id'=>'validateForm']) }}
{{ Form::hidden('operator', $operator) }}
Class @if($operator==1) A @endif @if($operator==2) B @endif Operator
1) How much did you understand about your responsibilities to keep your UST system in compliance through the training?
2) How much did you learn about the basics of UST system and its components?
3) How did you understand about the different release detection methods of an UST system?
4) How well you can Identify and understand each component in your UST system?
5) How well did you understand about the walk-through inspections, delivery prohibitions and record keeping through the training?
6) How would you rate your understanding skills in responding to the emergency situation upon releases?
7) How much did you gain knowledge on demonstrating financial mechanism for your UST system?
8) How much did you understand about the UST Registrations and Permits?
9) How well did you understand about the UST Closure?
{{ Form::close() }}