@extends('layouts.new-app') @section('content')
The purpose of this form is to document that employees designated as Class C operators have completed training required by Ohio Administrative Code Rule 1301:7-9-19. Class C operators are responsible for the initial response to alarms or other indications of emergencies at a facility. Class C operators shall complete the following questions:
NOTE: The emergency stop switch shuts off power to all the dispensers and fuel pumps. The emergency stop switch is different from the “Stop” or “All Stop” button on the point-of-sale (POS) console. The emergency stop switch is required by national fire codes. Contact a qualified petroleum storage system service contractor if you cannot locate the emergency stop switch.
Note: If you do not know how to read the display or what messages to expect if there is a problem with the storage system, look in the tank monitor manual to find this information or call a qualified petroleum system contractor and have him or her explain this information to you.
All Class C operators shall complete this form no later than August 8, 2012, or before assuming responsibilities as a Class C operator. Owners shall maintain this form and make it available to the state fire marshal upon request. Completing this form meets the requirements of paragraphs (D)(3)(e) through (g) of rule 1301:7-9-19 of the Administrative Code. No passing score is necessary to meet the requirements of rule 1301:7-9-19 of the Administrative Code.
* Not applicable generally applies to emergency generator, manufacturing and some hazardous substance UST’s.