@extends('layouts.new-app') @section('content')


You have successfully completed Operator @if($item->operator==1) A @endif @if($item->operator==2) B @endif @if($item->operator==3) C @endif Training
There is no exam as a condition of receiving a certificate of completion of training.
Successfully Completed
    @if($item->operator != 3)
  • Pre Evaluation
  • @else
  • Pre Requisite
  • @endif
  • Course Module
  • @if($item->operator == 1)
    1. Introduction
    2. UST system and components
    3. Release Detection
    4. Release Prevention
    5. Walk Through Inspections
    6. Delivery Prohibition
    1. Record Keeping
    2. Emergency Response
    3. Financial Responsibility
    4. UST Registration
    5. UST Permits
    6. UST Out-of-Service
    @endif @if($item->operator == 2)
    1. Introduction
    2. UST system and components
    3. Release Detection
    4. Release Prevention
    5. Walk Through Inspections
    6. Delivery Prohibition
    1. Record Keeping
    2. Emergency Response
    @endif @if($item->operator == 3)
    1. Emergency Training Exercise
    2. Dispenser Trainer Exercise
    3. Tank Monitor Training Exercise
    4. Leak Detection Training Exercise
    5. Fuel Delivery Training Exercise
  • Post Evaluation
Sponsor issue a certificate to Class @if($item->operator==1) A @endif @if($item->operator==2) B @endif @if($item->operator==3) C @endif operators who demonstrate successful completion of training.
No image


A Certified Course Sponsor for
"Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations"
Class "@if(($item!='') && $item->operator==1) A @endif @if(($item!='') && $item->operator==2) B @endif @if(($item!='') && $item->operator==3) C @endif" Operator Training

"{{ ucwords(auth()->user()->name.' '.auth()->user()->last_name) }} "

as having successfully completed
"Underground Storage Tank Class "@if(($item!='') && $item->operator==1) A @endif @if(($item!='') && $item->operator==2) B @endif @if(($item!='') && $item->operator==3) C @endif" Operator Traing".

{{ ($item!='')?date('d-M-Y', strtotime($item->created_at)):'' }}


VIRENDER KUMAR Instructor Signature

Note: You can download certificate in the home page.
