@extends('layouts.new-app') @section('content')
logo 15755 North Point Blvd,
Noblesville, IN 46060
Underground Storage Tank Program Operator Training Certification AB CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION
Awarded to
{{ ucwords(auth()->user()->name.' '.auth()->user()->last_name) }}
For completion of Underground Storage Tank Operator Training Class "A & B"
course approved by TEXAS Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (30 TAC Chapter 334)

{{ date('d-M-Y') }}

{{ ucwords($requisite->name) }}@if($requisite != '')( Class A / Class B Operator )@endif

info@golars.com(317) 500-0000www.golarstank.com

Ohio Class “C” Underground Storage Tank Operator Training

Instructional Material, Evaluation and Certificate Form

The purpose of this form is to document that employees designated as Class C operators have completed training required by Ohio Administrative Code Rule 1301:7-9-19. Class C operators are responsible for the initial response to alarms or other indications of emergencies at a facility. Class C operators shall complete the following questions:

1) Have you received training identifying the telephone number to call the fire department for this facility and is this number posted in a clearly visible location?
2) Have you received training identifying the list of company people who should be notified in an emergency and is this list posted in a clearly visible location?
3) Have you received training identifying the actions to take concerning the Emergency Shut off Switch?
Not Applicable (describe)*

NOTE: The emergency stop switch shuts off power to all the dispensers and fuel pumps. The emergency stop switch is different from the “Stop” or “All Stop” button on the point-of-sale (POS) console. The emergency stop switch is required by national fire codes. Contact a qualified petroleum storage system service contractor if you cannot locate the emergency stop switch.

4) Have you received training identifying how to respond to various alarm messages that may appear on the display of the tank monitoring system?
Not Applicable (describe)*

Note: If you do not know how to read the display or what messages to expect if there is a problem with the storage system, look in the tank monitor manual to find this information or call a qualified petroleum system contractor and have him or her explain this information to you.

5) Have you received training identifying how to locate and properly recognize the dispensing unit components. For example, the dispenser, the hose, the nozzle and the breakaway coupling.
Not Applicable (describe)*

All Class C operators shall complete this form no later than August 8, 2012, or before assuming responsibilities as a Class C operator. Owners shall maintain this form and make it available to the state fire marshal upon request. Completing this form meets the requirements of paragraphs (D)(3)(e) through (g) of rule 1301:7-9-19 of the Administrative Code. No passing score is necessary to meet the requirements of rule 1301:7-9-19 of the Administrative Code.

* Not applicable generally applies to emergency generator, manufacturing and some hazardous substance UST’s.
